
Numbering Stamp

Gene Johnson Music Supply
Contact Gene Johnson Productions

How To Order from Gene Johnson Productions

Choir Folders
Music Filing and Storage Boxes
Music Stands and Stand Lights
Choir Robes
Choral Transfold Risers and Stages
Piano and Organ Lights
Handbell Supplies
Heavy Duty Music Hole Punch
Music Numbering Stamp
Battery Candles

Director's Batons

Clear Plastic Label Holder

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Bates Standard Numbering Stamp L91-11234  $74.95
Automatic self-inking all-metal numbering wheels and seven movements. Numbers consecutively or in 2x, 3x, 4x,6x, 12x or indefinite repeat.  Prints low numbers without preceding zeros.  Designed with plunger lock for repositioning number wheels.  Features removable ink pad for re-inking or replacement.  Includes felt pad, built-in holders, black ink and stylus.  3/16" H characters.




Phone 800-234-4363    Fax: 770-477-5427      Email:    CustomerService@genejohnson.com